Deb Shieh works
FRAME × FRAME for LA Shorts

Transmedia Branding

FRAME × FRAME is a hypothetical brand extension of the LA Shorts Film Festival, created as an interactive spatial installation that augments the LA Shorts experience by showcasing a conceptual way of seeing short films. With Processing code, each vertical strip is averaged within each frame, abstracting them the films into its simplest visual forms. This project allowed me to practice conceptual thinking and apply it to an immersive technological experience through interaction and projection mapping for an informative and visually dimensional takeaway.

Curtains to Barcodes

The interactive installation is a spatial extension of LA Shorts, which would live along the interior perimeter of the lobby theater. With code and sensors, festival attendees would approach a barcode of colors, which would part to reveal the trailers and showtimes of a featured short film. This gives attendees the chance to experience the festival program beyond its printed matter along with popcorn in branded boxes for a deliciously memorable experience.

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2020 Typography Shortlist, Communication Arts
ArtCenter Student Gallery, Summer 2019
Brad Bartlett, instructor
Ivan Cruz, instructor
Miles Mazzie, instructor
Eric Santibanez, instructor
Alpha Lung, model
